Hello Newgrounds, some of you might think i'm being silly, just exploring stuff around. but the world is near a war, who can change that fact? you.
Iran almost achieved nuclear weapon, the oil's prices are getting higher, there are allot of children that are starving. so what are we going to do? go donate some food to those children? it is not such a bad idea but it will be temporary solution that will last less than a day.
Russia went to war, USA is going to end the war on Iraq. it doesn't take a genius to figure out that the world is on crisis.
as you may know there are two great countries that are dominating our little world, Russia and the USA. both of them want to be stronger some may think the cold war ended but they are keeping to compete each other. the USA is afraid of Russia USA wants to be the greatest/strongest/wealthiest country in the world. to achieve that goal they must get rid of Russia. the US is not stupid enough to go to war, so how do they do? they use us. people like you and me, like your family and friends. they need people to be against Russia, every single time that they have an opportunity they show Russia as the biggest threat to the world, as dictators that want to rule the world. i'm not saying that Russia is pure and the USA is the bad guy, Russia has an obvious intentions to rule all the oil supplies and to rule the economics.
Iran took advantage on this situation, they want to be the third greatest country in the world. they pretty getting good at achieving this goal. i mean look! if you say something bad about them the oil prices are getting higher! so every one is afraid of them. what is the solution? oil replacement. i live on Israel and the situation is tough here. the world blames us whenever the oil prices are getting higher to 'please' Iran, Iran wants you to hate us.
so what is expected so far? a great WW3 that will kill 80% of the population. it will not be like WW2, mess killing is much easier now. allot of new bombs were invented, new jets, new guns and more...
I came here and gave my point as a human, a small 13 years-old that lives the hard life here on Israel.
constantly getting bombed is really annoying, believe me. I came here hoping that some of will understand my point and join my struggle, help us, help the world. how can you help? simply tell everyone you know. friends, family, even the dog! ask them to tell that to their friends!
me and my friend can't make a change but all together we can!
i mean what if one day you wake up and an atom bomb is on its way to your country, what will you do? you would have wished that you would go back in time to change the situation. but then again you won't have a time machine, now is the time to change the situation, now is the time that WE simple humans that live our life talk! not some shitty politician that make money from talking B-S.
we need to change everything! MCcain will lead to ww3! so don't let that happen!
it is really easy to be an asshole so don't be one. this is real life not some gay internet joke.
I agree whit you so much !
yk-blaze is 100% right... if "WE" as humans wont stop this world "madness"
no one will... and god wont be there to help.
god is probobly putting us to a test, and what we read in the bible or any other
holy books about the end of the world... is just to warn us...
look what USA government is doing to russia !
laying about stuff russia DID NOT do... like attacking georgia.
Why no one talks about the 18 hours that georgia was bombing s.ossetia ?
if MCain will be president... as yk said.. it will lead to our death !
This is real fact ! those who dont know the truth about gerogia and russia
thinks that MCcain is the good guy
but if you would know the truth... you would look at him as akiller
and thats how i look at him, and thats how you have to look at him,
Thanks for the comment, people are not aware on what is going on. i hope some people will finally see what was lying here for years! every prediction of the end of the world is just a warning if we do nothing about everything. thanks.