View Profile YK-Blaze
Hey i'm YK-blaze, i have nothing interesting to say...so bye.

Age 30, Male



Israel, Netanya

Joined on 12/1/05

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I agree whit you so much !
yk-blaze is 100% right... if "WE" as humans wont stop this world "madness"
no one will... and god wont be there to help.
god is probobly putting us to a test, and what we read in the bible or any other
holy books about the end of the world... is just to warn us...
look what USA government is doing to russia !
laying about stuff russia DID NOT do... like attacking georgia.
Why no one talks about the 18 hours that georgia was bombing s.ossetia ?
if MCain will be president... as yk said.. it will lead to our death !
This is real fact ! those who dont know the truth about gerogia and russia
thinks that MCcain is the good guy
but if you would know the truth... you would look at him as akiller
and thats how i look at him, and thats how you have to look at him,

Thanks for the comment, people are not aware on what is going on. i hope some people will finally see what was lying here for years! every prediction of the end of the world is just a warning if we do nothing about everything. thanks.

Obama ftw?

Also, i totally agree, but damn, like some guy on the guy on the forums said, why can't everyone chill the fuck out???

since there is no time to chill, the elections is to near to chill out. tell the situation to anyone you know please. MCcain will lead to a ww3.

I lived in pakistan for 5 damn years
know what you mean by the bombin thing and also agree with you on the oil replacement, if we can leave our dependence on oil we can save our enviorment, our children and take away all the power the oil rich nations have over us

oil is Irans power, means no oil, no money for rockets/weapons.

all right I am sendin a link to this post to everyone I know :D
lets make this big ppl

Thanks for your help. i really appreciate it.

I Live in canada, and even though your elections dont effect us at all, i still support Obama 100%


Look at the comments !
yk-blaze started it and we.. again... just as humans...
will make it BIG !

we can effect alot !
allso there are countries that are going to publish the truth so we are going to help
them, you probobly dont know this cuz USA is blocking any evedance and chanels that talk about the truth of this conflict and stuff... but USA govenment will loose in the end !
and if youre amarican... please... dont say no... cuz you are a human...
and u cant change it... if USA'S govenment will fall... no one will say any thing bad about USA'S people cuz USA'S people will help it fall to !

im russian and if russia would do what USA is doing now... laying to every one,
i would stand againts my own country... AS A HUMAN !!!


already sent it to almost 50 ppl lol
... my fingers hurt, anyways we are gonna make this thing BIG, I know I am gonna try

thanks again that helps allot.

I want World War III. This twisted game, called life, needs to be reset.

you live in Poland, you won't be that effected and you don't care about others. then GTFO here.

Lol... yk look at this ... after u said this

"it is really easy to be an asshole so don't be one. this is real life not some gay internet joke."

Mixon is being a total retard...
Mixon, do u understand how retard and stupid u sound ?
i guess u want mind watching your family burn and scream.
youll just sit and enjoy... well then ... its your choice...


mixon ur a retard, fuck you


i agree! but can i join your madness collab?

you can.

i am agree,it so suck to hear all thet bad staff thet heappend on my contry,and YK-blaze.israel...
every singal day we hear on the news about thet thet kasam roaket are fired on sderot,about iran,lebanon,soria and even more,are getting ready to kill us every singal day,about thet ahod olmart,is quit at thet hard times because the police is making him trabole,and a lot more things thet just can be call total madness,and the true problom is thet everywhere thet is everywhere in the world,if we don't stop the war and the pain,who will do thet?olmart?ahminijad?barak obama?jone makain?,the world must be together,not apart!

exactly, we need to unite and protest for this crap! i can't stand politicians that all they care about is how to make more money to themselves.

annanas since u help us so much here are good news u should know
s.osstia lunched the concert about the conflict as i said this is one of the programs
that are going to show the world the truth

here is a video :
<a href="http://edition.cnn.com/SPECIALS/2008/news/georgia.crisis/">http://edition.cnn.com/SPECIALS/2008/

i can see CNN is kinda going into the truth about this conflict and it would be
good if CNN will support Russia and publish allot to help avoid this ww3

you can search in CNN's web site you may find allot of videos about the truth.
there are some amazing and sad storied there :(
poor s.ossetia... how USA even dare to blame Russia after what Geogira did to

the US is dumb...

tinrage,today nothing is true,the minestry lie to us,they live good,we don't
and,he live at israel,we don't really see CNN,we see aroz 10(at hebrow it suonds good...)

yes of course but it is good that the truth is finally came to the media.

I live in Israel too thank you...
And yes... we all live in lies.. and thanks god u know it !
but if u were russian and u were listening to russian news
u would know the truth...
and you would laugh LAUGH your ass off listing to MCcain and his fancy speach
MCcain is a killer... hes supporting Geogria that killed allot of people in s.ossetia
during 18 hours... do u realize how funny it sounds ?

its like some kinda asteroid is heading to earth and USA is like HEY ! LETS BLAME RUSSIA ! XD

the Russian news also tell lies, sorry to break that to ya.

again... when i say USA i don't mean the people i mean the GOVERNMENT !
i don't blame any one but the governments of the world...

the true is funny,but also sad...
and russia is not the only blame...all the politicen,the prime minesturs,the prsidents,and the list continue

yep, we normal people suffer for that.

I understand.

Many people are trying to get the point across.

But sadly, nothing's happenining. That's the problem. People want new ways, peace, and saftey.

But none of us can make it worldwide, we can only try.

Everyone wants power, but why can't we just leave each other alone?

The answer, Bush. Bush is the problem.

not only, MCain is also thats why i don't want him in the government. obama is the only chance that we could exist.

If we all coaporate together.. we can make effects
maybe small but those effects will effect big time later...

btw look at this video its so funny but SO TURE !
<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SC-0W7MZx_I&feature=related">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SC-0W7 MZx_I&feature=related</a>

I welcome and encourage war.

then you are a dickhead, just kidding it really depends on where you live.

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