shit dicks. :D
Hey i'm YK-blaze, i have nothing interesting to bye.
Age 30, Male
Israel, Netanya
Joined on 12/1/05
shit dicks. :D
It's easier hearing from someone else outside the country's point of view. They don't have patriotic prejudice because their own country isn't attached.
I agree with you, but the sad part is.. those Shitty Politicians don't and they are the ones getting all the press.. Still Spreading the word is always worth a shot.
yes thats what i thought.
Hmm... I can see where your concern is coming from to a certain extent, but I'm not so sure you should worry quite so much, my friend.
First off, look up Mutually Assured Destruction and you'll find out the main reason why a large scale war (WWIII) is unlikely to take place. The basic premise is that if one developed country nukes another, then that country or its allies, if needed, will in turn nuke the offending country and no one really wants that to happen because all the damage will just be a wash, anyways.
Second, I don't mean to pick on your nation or your heritage, or anything, but your being from Isreal probably makes you more predisposed towards being much more suspicious and fearful of Iran than most other nations tend to be. Granted, your fear is pretty validated, being that you are from Isreal and Iran is certainly bombing and otherwise terrorising your nation for petty reasons, but for the average citizen of the world, Iran at this stage in the game does not create too much of a threat.
That being said, I totally support Barrack Obama, not just for his plans to stay out of war, but also his economic plans, and his ability to reach across to other nations and cooperate with them and help build bridges of tolerance.
Iran just become problem to you all, if Iran finish the atom bomb they will make another one. and then maybe the world would become just like in fallout, Iran will start war for uranium and when she will understand that she lost she will use her nukes to nuke USA/Russia/Israel/Europe thats why Europe and Russia are helping Iran to develop the atom bomb. so they will not be bombed in that case.
why the hell is watzittooya the co leader of neurosis 4
he asked for it...
To TheSavant
Iran isn't such a big big thret to us too... cuz over all our army is five times
more advanced and stronger
(i mean israel)
their army is just bigger then ours millions times more...
but waht a gorup of some kinda running guys whit ak-47 shotting in the air
and screaming alah ahbar can do?
i saw a video of how the israeli army works here... it looks like we play
whit iran and play our salves dumb.
also we have anukeler weapons so iran for us are just kinda... slaves XD
and you know what funny ?
that every one there is brain washed by some kinda terrorist
and u can look at the people there like they are inesent... cuz if u ask some
one there what he wants to be he will say "jahid"
in other words exploding terrorist...
not only adulst say it.... even kids
i saw on news how a mother of a terorrist sais
"im so proud of him"
HE FUCKING EXLPODE TO MILLION PICESES ! how that bitch can be happy ?
its just.... sad !
in the Islam if you die for your country, you will most likely be in heaven with 72 virgins. i don't remember the name that they name to people that died for their country. whoever does that done will get some respect, but in hell he will pretty much burn.
Also i would like to bring up the situation in North Korea they have nukelur wepons and they are defeinatly not afraid to use them my Personal opinan is that the USA are going to some how annoyie the Noth koreans and they will delicare War on the USA ofcouse Lots of countrys will help them but none the less it will cause a noticable diffrance.
PS: Sorry agean for my shitty spelling
PSS: I live in isreal to
PSSS: But im enlish
north Korea is like a previous-problem, they supply the technology to Syria and Iran about the atom-bomb. that fact was proven.
Your view of the world is overtly simplified and you have no understanding of economics.
China could stop any US war intentions, simply by throwing away all the US dollars they own. The US sides with Israel over palestine and infact Iran is the one made out to be the baddies. Alternative power cannot be acheived as the people in charge of said research own the oil. Your grammar is terrible, why are you asking 13yr olds not to vote for McCain when they cannot vote at all.
I dont know where the fuck you got this 80% statistic from but if there was a nuclear war it would be more like 100%. Think about it, Al-Queda, the Oil problems, the war in Iraq, all of these issues are because of the war between Israel and Palestine. Its your fault not mine. BTW when the fuck did the UN suddenly become owned by Russia and the US. I understand that you are trying to fix a problem but the problem is unresolvable, Palestine has no claim to the land and Israel refuses to negotiate with terrorists.
first thing: you are dumb it can't be described how much dumb you just wrote.
"I understand that you are trying to fix a problem but the problem is unresolvable, Palestine has no claim to the land and Israel refuses to negotiate with terrorists."
as usual, people are getting brain washed. do you know where is Israel? do you know its size? it is so small that it can fit as a city in the USA. give lands? in 1948 there were the interdependence war. what was the war about? 4 countries fought against us while my country wasn't established. that means there were no army, no good weapons, few tanks, and jets? forget it. guess who won. we could keep to our selves 1/4 of Egypt. we gave it back for peace. we gave them Gaza, and then they started lunching rockets at us. we gave them half of Jerusalem, bu no, they want all.
"BTW when the fuck did the UN suddenly become owned by Russia and the US"
who said that? but it is true that the USA is afraid of Russia.
"DAM RIGHT he is !
i would like to squish that guy like a worm
worms are kinda ... squishy XD
you kinda squish them and they die XD"
You kinda squish your penis to homosexual porn, I heard.
"you don't have in life more then flash? sweet tight my sweet flash animator..."
Lol, newgrounds is a site for flash animations, not your hippie bullcrap.
I don't know what are you trying to achieve. Your mammas hug, because you're such a good boy, and write bad things about war? I believe that war that would cause total anarchy and 80% less population is the salvation for this world. Humankind is shit at peace. Euthanasia, abortion... it needs punishment for placing itself above life and death. Go ahead, ban me for the second time, I don't care. Just wake up, you're a little fucking spoiled brat.
lol i'm spoiled, i wish. so what if 80% population will what it will make anarchy, your right or wait...what will become? maybe slavery will return the strong ones will use others by threatening them and the world will come to a new dark age. fuck you and don't things you don't understand about.
Well then if you love war so much i guess youll die first...
and yes you moron ! humanity desirve to be punished
but if 80% of the world will die... the other 20% wont live long...
radiation every where... sikness.. and no one will have any cure for it
so basicly... we will die... and just 80% will die but all 100% of humanity
so war is not the best way to punish human kind...
you gotta understand that... and why i thik life suck so much ?
how old are u ? where do u live ? are you poor or some thing ?
yes its very sad to know that all this.. poor-ness and sick-ness
and w/e it is... its sad to know that its actually happning... and thats
how humantiy gets punished... and the only one who can stop this whole
shit... is humantiy only... and not god... and not some kinda aliens wont save us
and why i think life
FIX " and why you think life suck so much
gosh i hate this key board and this PC -_-"
Because it does
You're 14, so you can't know. Just wait till you'll get older and notice that people have no othe business with you, other than stealing your money.
i already know that, i live in Israel and thats all my government do and i am serious.
Listen .. maybe im 14 .... but i think i know more then you do about life...
and if you think i dont know that every thing is about money then are really stupid
its human nature... and every retard knows it...
god damn
waz sucks at animation and you barely even know him
don't you know he got better? hes animations are 10 times better...
I don't see how this AFFECTS a thirteen year old who lives the "hard life". Obama is just a spy sent from over there to become president (since everyone wants a black president, it's IN like a trend these days), to find out all of our shit and send it to the Middle East. Look up his full name! Obama = Osama, Hussein is his middle name! (Saddam Hussein).
And shit, who gives a crap if there's a WW3? Guess who will win AGAIN? America. If Obama becomes president, it's a CLEAR chance for Russia and shit to attack us, because he has no military experience.
As a citizen of the United States of America, I know that in everyone's heart here they'd rather stay safe with our soldiers fighting than get BOMBED because our black president is a pussy.
i live in israel and that makes me really interested in politics. and gosh you are such a moron. there will be WW3 because of dumb people. USA already started a war against Russia by helping their enemies by telling them locations of Russian jets and giving them weapons to shoot those jets. in other words the war is beginning.
"And shit, who gives a crap if there's a WW3?"
Every one you retard...
and if there will be ww3 youll die too... and it dosent fucking matther where you will live... if it will be a nukeler war... the radiation will be to high in the skys
**nuclear i though i should make you fix it it really annoys me.
Oh ye forgot to say..
Wtf ? that guy lives in movies
"Obama is just a spy sent from over there to become president (since everyone wants a black president, it's IN like a trend these days), to find out all of our shit and send it to the Middle East. Look up his full name! Obama = Osama, Hussein is his middle name! (Saddam Hussein). "
GOD DAM ! relax take a pill...
that guy is fucking watching 007 ! like over and over and over
since the movie is out...
I agree with you, but I don't think stressing out about it is going to help anything.
I say when something bad happens, or when you know for sure something bad it gonna happen, then it's time to stress out. For now, just relax.
well i now know that i shouldn't
he still sucks
better then your animation.
%u05D9%u05D0%u05DC%u05DC%u05D4 %u05EA%u05D1%u05D5%u05D0 %u05DC%u05EA%u05DC %u05D0%u05D1%u05D9%u05D1, %u05E0%u05D5%u05D7 %u05E4%u05D4
%u05D2%u05DD %u05D0%u05E0%u05D9 %u05D9%u05DB%u05D5%u05DC!
even though i live in australia
im going for Obama
Fuck Mccain!
obama f-t-w