Hey i'm YK-blaze, i have nothing interesting to say...so bye.
Age 30, Male
Israel, Netanya
Joined on 12/1/05
Posted by YK-Blaze - July 25th, 2008
Yep, nine, nine long days of feeling the win on my face.
nine days hearing the sea. if you ask, i am going into a sailors course!
i'm gonna sail for 9 days being on land will be rare! anyway check out Madness SWAT 2 Trailer!
btw: i'm leaving on the 27th 7:00 AM +3 GMT.
EDIT: i lvl'd up!
Posted by YK-Blaze - July 17th, 2008
Even though the score is not that good, I think that the collab was released with very smooth animation. Anyway I am still working on different projects, Such as a shooting game, ZX adv. EP.0, Sprite tourney collab part and more. more info below.
I will start with the SSBB collab, I think it came out really good, but the score was meh, even though watch it you will not regret it!
XBlaze/shooting game
You might have already heard about the shooting game I'm working on. you also might have seen the changes on my blog. well I got back into xblaze, if you wonder "what is xblaze?" then i will tell you. xblaze is a "team" that me and my friend created when we were ten. we were stupid little kids who always dreamed to make a game. anyhow xblaze got me into flash , which made me the animator that I am today. anyway me and my friend started working on a game he is the artist and i'm the scripter.
View screenshot num'1
View screenshot num'2
ZX adv. EP.0
even though all my work on episode 2 is on my computer that doesn't work. I thought of doing a prequel for the first ep. so far its going good.
Flash site
I'm also finished working on my flash site. i think it got really good for 2 hours of work. its also not updated, my latest flash is the ssbb collab.
Another world
I only have ideas, its spoused to bea stick movie about an alien invasion. the story line will be far more original. i only have some artwork i have been working on.
screen number 1
screen number 2
that would be all.
Posted by YK-Blaze - July 12th, 2008
I started a new Shooting game with my friend Vladi(artist). anyway i'm about 10% done, the engine is almost done just few more stuff to add and i'm done. the game will include missions(to earn money) s be a good assassin and wait for it!
i want the movie to include cut scenes so it will be really good!
in the picture below theres the gun shop, sorry for the quality of the picture.
BTW: did you notice that the design of my userpage has changed?
Posted by YK-Blaze - July 2nd, 2008
What do i mean "the flashiest night" you ask?
well yesterday i had it, it was non-stop animating/drawing/coloring-shading.
this night started when i was really bored, so i took the first page of the first episode of
Full metal alchemist Manga and i drew edd(the main character). heres what i got, its not that good isn't it? well i wasn't satisfied so i left it without the body and the lower hair part. BUT i was still bored!
after drawing edd's head i was board so i started drawing, i didn't have any idea what i was going to draw and i ended up thinking of FPA and castle crashers, so i drew this. i still think it will fit well into a platform game, so if you want it pm me! even though i thought it was nice i still wasn't satisfied since i have nothing more to add to it, like characters, sticks, madness, sprites or even fullbody! i couldn't make it fit well, so i finished it and i was still bored.
i started drawing again theres no story behind this one, just looks at it...
so i was left with 3 drawing that are worthless...it's time to animate! i started animating and i started with sprites, i started my part for the "Sprite Fight Tourney Collab"(my second part btw) my part was Alex VS Link i know it's still unfinished and short! i got tired of animating it after a while...
then i continued making test for the upcoming sprite movie that me and two more people will get involved in. heres the test.
so again here i seat...bored...then i started animating my madness short(no! not for MD'08!)
i started it while back but i had nothing so added few kills(excuse me...ALL of the kills there was none) again i got tired of animating this and i moved on.
then i started animating this stick scene for unknown reasons, again o got tired of animating it.(btw the explosion is not done its just a replacement for the real explosion i will make later.)
i wasn't satisfied with the stick running i made so i made a new running, comparing to the old one this one rules!
well that was a night :D last and not least my current projects:
Sprite Fight Tourney Collab- Part1-80% Part2-10% Part3-0%
The red infection- paused because all the files are in the broken computer.
Sasuke VS Sonic(working on title)-30%
Madness Test- 5%
Wow i think this is the longest news post i ever had O.o if you read it to the end then Thanks!
Posted by YK-Blaze - May 10th, 2008
OK heres another Supre spacial awesome update!(lol yu-gi-oh abridged XD)
*note* i don't watch yu-gi-oh only the abridged series!
Yes i still animate madness(not as much as before but i still do).
I am starting a new project i still don't have a name for it so feel free
to segguest one :D,
anyway the project is about a man thats killing people(original huh?).
I currently have 2 projects.
ZX adventure 2-sorry its on my second comp, that means that it will be done whenever my comp will be fixed.
Sorry no screenie.
MMZX-A big ass project that i'm not alone it. i will be working with HunterX and deidera from other site. I'm the animator in it, deidera does some sprites and make a script, hunterx is making custom made awesome sprites! this is gonna rock trust me!
The red infaction!
idk when its gonna be out, maybe in a few year(or perhaps not).
i don't have a screenshot since its also on my other comp! BUT i promise when i will have the screen to give you i will.
Madness Neurosis collab IV
STILL idk if it will ever be made!
i am so confuesd! MAKE OR NOT
-people seem to like it
-we have lots of views
-we have enough animators that are interested
-people seem to hate it after MNC3
-to many negetive reviews
-to much madness haters
DONE! *dies from to much caps lock*
Posted by YK-Blaze - April 23rd, 2008
the stolen song is in the bottom of the page!It's been a while since i posted a post so here i go with allot of updates!
yes i got into sticks while trying to get any good so far im working on test animations so far i have the old good one VS one fight so yeah....trying to get to a level so i could start over with even better animation the red infaction!
I also haven't animated madness for a while.
i joind a collab where i think i will animate a madness part so far i got almost nothing(its slow because it has to be on 20 FPS)
well also not going as well as before i hope i will get from my animation block....
MegaMan ZX adv. is 25% done...
as some of you may know i also working on the SuperSman brawl. collab... i lost all my good parts and you will find the reason below.....thats what i have so far and this...
Good Comp goes Byebye
well it happend again...my GOOD comp stopped working...well its kinda my fault...i accidentaly burnt the mother board...uhhhhhhhh...oops...(don't ask how...) the good thing that the hard disk is still functionale so i will have my old files back...
anyway the old comp is not that bad...and i found some stuff in it..remember the first Madness neurosis collab? well there were two parts the i decided not to put in for obius reasons and after seeing them again it gave me old memories..huh here they are Part1|Part2
So here was my big update....kind of small eh..?
oh yeah i decided in the end i won't do the MNC4. the reason is simple...we got so much haters after MNC3 that our score will be so low...
Somone stole a song and sended it to the audio portal!
theres a song at the audio portal now that is stolen he was cutted into pieces
heres the full song from youtube
NOTE: the begining is not stolen so skip a bit...
Posted by YK-Blaze - March 27th, 2008
Hello NG mates!
so far our SSBB collab is going really well!
list of people:
lordjanemba is making a menu and a kickass part(with actual drawing) so hes really much helipng me A LOT!
Alpharius120 is also one of the animators so far
and chunkycheese12
and me!
total: 8 animators!
wanna join? the what are you waiting for? join theSSBB collab
Posted by YK-Blaze - March 10th, 2008
before you comment please dont respond with:
ZOMG! that have been done 10000 times!
or its unoriginal! so please save it im not going to respond them either
but if you have no life go ahead....
oh and another thing i know that i have bad spelling/grammar im really sorry...
Whats the idea of the collab?
some of you may laugh at that quastion but some dont know the brawl series! so if you dont know you still may join the idea is simple:
create a flash animation of two enemies from different shows to fight!
ok the rules are simple:
-no nudity/adult themes etc...
-the brawlers(fighters) must be from different shows!
-you may use sprites or you can draw your own of course.
-there will be up to 15 fights that means up to 15 animator, even though you can make 2 parts the max is 3 parts!
-the parts must be at least 10 sec and no longer then 30 sec
-you may use blood
-FPS: 24
-BG Color: black(use your own)
-size: defult
if your interested on making the menu/credits go ahead but the credits must be animated more than words(i might make that if no one is interested!)
Good luck!
Posted by YK-Blaze - January 4th, 2008
hey guys! i started a new collab!
king of the contradiction-collab! its a song collab(song by Sum41!)
it got cool Lyrics:
I've dethroned the king of contradiction
Or were you just a jester all along a simple pawn
Don't you know you can't count your tears like your money
Running down like rain in the drain
You don't need to pray for me 'cause I'm not the one to blame
I can't wait to see you going down in flames
How could it be know not what we've become
You lost the human race
I hope you burn like a cigarette in ashes
As your head comes down and crashes
Your thoat pours blood from slashes
And I hope you never forget like a tatoo of regret this time, this time
You don't need to pray for me 'cause I'm not the one to blame
I can't wait to see you going down in flames
How could it be know not what we've become
You lost the human race
You're replaced now
Was nice to know you
Now your time is up so
Just drop dead
check it out here http://www.newgrounds.com/bbs/topic/83 8799
2 days to madness neurosis collab 3!